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Legislative Alert 2-27-01

Legislative Alert 2-27-01

1. Community Resource Program  --  JFAC funded $2 million for the Community 
Resource Program.  They had also sent $4 million to the Dept. of Ed. 
discretionary line item that could be used for this purpose.  The program 
is voluntary and not mandatory.  The line item for discretionary funds 
totals over $62 million in the public school budget but there are many 
demands at the district level for the funds.  Patrons, teachers, and 
supporters of the program will need to indicate their support to the 
trustees and administration to continue the program.  This is still a break 
through because late last week we thought the program was dead.

2. Minimum Wage for Farm Workers  --  A major breakthrough occurred over 
the weekend.  Sen. Bart Davis contacted me on Friday evening and said that 
he was trying to broker a compromise on HB 71.  I contacted Sen. Davis on 
Saturday and got the amendments to HB 71 that he was proposing.  I 
contacted the leaders of the Farm Worker's Coalition, and on Sunday 
afternoon we reviewed the amendments and decided to support the compromise.

This afternoon the Governor's Office, Department of Labor, the Farm Bureau, 
and the Farm Worker's Coalition all came out in support of the compromise 
bill.  The Senate Committee voted 9-0 to approve it and pass it on to the 
floor of the Senate.  We still have to get it through the Senate and the 
House but this break through is significant.

The compromise HB 71 with amendments would cover about 95% of the farm 
workers in the state of Idaho under the minimum wage.  We will still work 
in the future to cover all of the farm workers, but this is a major victory 
for all concerned.  Now we will be working during the next 30 days to get 
the bill through the rest of the Legislative Process.

Rep. Tom Trail, district 5
Phone: 208-332-1202

  I would like constituents to contact me by e-mail me with their ideas, 
comments and recommendations.

Legislative newsletters and additional materials and information can be 
located on my web
and home page

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