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Re: Women's rights

Good question.  Anyone out there in cyberland know
the statistics of women being killed/maimed via
abortions prior to the landmark Roe v. Wade?

--- LuJane - Eagle <> wrote:
> what are the statistics of women dieing from having
> abortions? I'll bet it
> is close to whatever the mortality rate is of having
> children. Complications
> can arise in any procedure and there is death and
> later medical problems
> from time to time. I doubt abortion is any "safer"
> than pregnancy. It's done
> faster is all and you don't have the inconvenience.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Shahab Mesbah <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 7:42 AM
> Subject: RE: Women's rights
> > Dearest friends,
> >
> > You are right... it is tricky... who said
> everything has to be easy?! It
> > seems that we as a culture are becoming more and
> more inclined to take the
> > easy path instead of doing the right thing. We are
> talking about
> terminating
> > a life. We cannot make decisions based on our
> convenience! There are times
> > that I wish I had a vaporizing gun on my car when
> people drive like snails
> > in front of me. It would be more convenient for me
> to just get rid of the
> > slow poke in front of me but it would not be the
> right thing to do.
> >
> > As mentioned earlier in discussions you have to be
> careful with
> > statistics... if the number you give is accurate
> (lets assume it is) I bet
> > most of those deaths are not in the US. We are
> talking about this country
> > here. Also... that is 600K out of how many
> millions of women giving birth?
> I
> > am willing to go on a limb and say that the
> mortality rate in US is very
> > small and if you looked at the situations you
> would find that many, if not
> > most, have special circumstances. I am not saying
> that women do not die
> > giving birth... I am saying that you cannot treat
> a human life based on
> > another person's convenience.
> >
> > I knew that one would get a bite!! :)
> >
> > Your brother in arms,
> >
> > Shahab...
> >
> > Shahab Mesbah
> > Technical Director
> > Meteor Light Labs
> > Voice (208) 883-9765
> > Fax (208) 883-2678
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Scott Dredge []
> > Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 12:09 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Women's rights
> >
> > It's tricky business writing legislation
> criminilizing
> > abortion and yet allowing exceptions for instances
> > when "the [woman's] life is in danger or in case
> of
> > rape or incest".  A case can be made that a
> woman's
> > life is in danger during any pregnancy considering
> > approximately 600,000 women die worldwide each
> year
> > due to complications of childbirth.
> >
> > My belief is that this type of decision belongs
> > strictly to the woman.
> >
> > --- Shahab Mesbah <> wrote:
> > >For example I was not
> > > crazy about Mr. Clintons
> > > personal choices but as a president he did a
> better
> > > job than anyone in my
> > > memory. I know that Mr. Bush would not be the
> > > president of US if it were not
> > > for his father and brother. I am alarmed at the
> > > racial divide that has
> > > occurred in Florida. I oppose legalized abortion
> > > unless the mother's life is
> > > in danger or incase of rape or incest. I am
> opposed
> > > to gun control but am
> > > adamantly for licensing its use (we license
> > > driving). I have worked hard for
> > > the charter schools but am opposed to them now
> due
> > > to my understanding of
> > > the corruption within it and the reasoning we
> have
> > > it (to fend off vouchers
> > > not to improve our schools). While I am on the
> topic
> > > you should know that
> > > both of my children are far happier and
> academically
> > > more advanced since
> > > they left the charter school and entered Lena
> > > Whitmore School. I am
> > > impressed with the teachers and the staff led by
> an
> > > excellent principal. I
> > > am an environmentalist but understand that
> forests
> > > are a resource that can
> > > be managed properly and farms can be
> environmentally
> > > friendly. The list goes
> > > on...
> >
> >
> > __________________________________________________
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> > Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail
> - only $35
> > a year!
> >

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