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RE: New High School

May I "ditto" your observations? And for those who would put the 
school "out there" on the edge of town, so everybody would have to 
ride on wheels to get there, I say keep the sense of community into 
schooling and utilize space available. Research shows that schools 
going beyond 400-500 kids increase the sense of anonymity, create 
more cliques, "in groups", and undermine morale -- all of which 
teachers and parents have to deal with above and beyond the normal 
rigors of raising children to levels of responsibility and 
self-esteem. "Social promotion" is a symptom of dysfunctional 
organization and can only be "cured" by more effective schooling -- 
not bigger or more of the same. Thanks!  KM

>------Original Message------
>From: "Priscilla Salant" <>
>>  Can anyone on the list help me understand the district's
>plans > for a new high school?
>A couple more questions to ponder about Moscow's schools:
>Why do school administrators, businessmen and the military
>presume bigger is better, while teachers and consumers
>generally prefer smaller entities?
>Will social promotion continue to be practiced in Moscow's
>elementary schools, with the same devastating consequences for
>the Moscow district as has been experienced in Chicago and
>thousands of other school districts in the past few decades?
>Robert Probasco
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