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National Radio Project

> Forwarded message:
> The National Radio Project, which has for six years
> produced the
> award-winning half hour weekly public affairs
> program Making Contact, as
> well as a number of specials, including World Trade
> Watch, Inside Capital
> and UnConventional Coverage is embarking upon a new
> endeavor.
> Throughout the month of February, NRP will be
> producing a pilot of a 1/2
> hour daily news program. The program, Live Wire
> Independent News seeks to
> cover stories that are often ignored by the
> mainstream press, or angles of
> stories that are overlooked by the mass media.
> To do this we need you and your organization to
> pitch us stories of
> national significance! Please refer to the
> submission guidelines I have
> included below for pitching stories. You may add us
> to your fax press
> release list. Our fax is 510-251-1342. You may add
> the following email
> addresses for email press releases--please use them
> judiciously &
> appropriately --,
> To-date 25 stations from Maine to Chicago to San
> Francisco have committed
> to participating in the Live Wire pilot.
> Please share this email with other organizations.
> Please let us know if there are radio journalists in
> your area that you
> typically work with and with whom you think we might
> want to establish a
> relationship.
> This pilot is a grand experiment at trying to do
> news in a different way.
> We need your feedback regarding the program. Please
> listen in (see our
> website for a list of stations airing Live Wire or
> listen on-line at
> Then let
> us know what you think. Refer to the questions
> included below.
> Included below:
> 1. Submission Guidelines for pitching a story
> 2. A Press Release with info about Live Wire
> 3.A second press release with more info about the
> news pilot
> 4. Questions to think about when listening to the
> show to provide us with
> feedback
> Thanks!
> Laura Livoti
> Item One: Submission Guidelines for Pitching a Story
> Live Wire features local, national, and
> international stories; in-depth
> interviews; and perspectives not often heard in the
> mass media. Listeners
> will stay informed on political, social, and
> economic trends.
> To pitch a story for Live Wire, please call or email
> a 1 to 2 paragraph
> description, including potential interviewees.
> Before pitching a story,
> please be familiar with the mission of the National
> Radio Project, as
> posted on our web site (or request a hard copy).
> Also, try listening to
> our sound beforehand on-line.
> When pitching a story, consider the following
> questions: * Does the story
> relate public interests to governmental policies and
> corporate
> priorities? * Does the story give listeners
> historical, political, and
> social context of major national and international
> events? * Does the story
> shed light on social and economic inequities? * Does
> the story link
> grassroots issues to national or international
> trends?
> Submit pitches by email, fax or mail to executive
> producer Phillip Babich.
> phone: (510) 251-1332 ex. 103,
> Item Two: Live Wire Independent News
> For Immediate RELEASE
> OAKLAND, CA January 1, 2001
> Millions of radio listeners across the United States
> and beyond will soon
> be able to test a pilot of a new half-hour daily
> news program. Live Wire
> Independent News is created by the National Radio
> Project (NRP) --
> producers of the popular weekly series Making
> Contact, and live specials,
> such as UnConventional Coverage and World Trade
> Watch. The Live Wire pilot
> will be available Monday through Friday, February 5,
> 2001 to March 2, 2001.
> Programs will feature local, national and
> international news stories,
> in-depth interviews and perspectives not often heard
> in the mass media. "We
> are aiming for a very inviting sound with solid,
> regionally diverse news
> provided by many stations and independent
> journalists in the field," said
> executive producer and host Phillip Babich. He added
> that Live Wire
> Independent News would be attentive to the art of
> radio and to the high
> technical standards that program directors have come
> to expect from the
> National Radio Project.
> The news program pilot is being produced and tested
> as part of an ongoing
> national dialogue. The National Radio Project has
> surveyed public and
> community radio stations, assessing their news needs
> and noting two
> repeated requests: a desire for more national news
> options and an interest
> in helping to produce the news that they want.
> "This raises an exciting prospect," said executive
> director Peggy Law.
> "Why not develop a highly participatory news
> gathering model -- one that
> builds upon the significant strengths and diversity
> of public and community
> stations and independent producers, while still
> maintaining the consistent
> quality, editorial standards and reliable delivery
> required to meet
> stations' needs?"
> The news pilot is designed as the first step towards
> creating that new
> model. While the Live Wire pilot will be produced
> out of NRP's Oakland
> facility, the vision for an ongoing program includes
> creating several
> production shops in locations around the country.
> In addition to the contributions of dozens of
> journalists, and the
> cooperation of many stations, the pilot will benefit
> from the input of a
> diverse editorial advisory board of journalists,
> listeners, academics and
> community organizers.
> Lisa Rudman - co-director, Live Wire:
>, x 105
> Item 3: Press Release
> The National Radio Project announces Live Wire
> Independent News
> The National Radio Project is pleased to announce
> that its daily (Monday
> through Friday) news pilot available Feb 5th through
> March 2nd, 2001, will
> be titled Live Wire Independent News. We hope the
> name will convey to you
> and your listeners that this program is fresh,
> lively and newsworthy. We
> will be creating a new kind of news wire, one that
> is alive with previously
> unheard stories relevant to the public-at-large by
> tapping into a newtwork
> of commuity-based journalists around the country and
> by reporting on issues
> and events peroclating at the community level.
> Further, Live Wire will be
> on top of major events and policy decisions.
> The producers recognize that a story is more than a
> single event, but
> often has unfolding political, social and economic
> ramifications. NRP's
> news pilot will make connections between specific
> stories and larger trends.
> The National Radio Project is best known as the
> producer, since 1995, of
> the award winning public affairs series Making
> Contact. In addition, NRP
> has gained a reputation as a reliable and
> independent provider of special
> coverage from sites such as the World Trade
> Organization meeting in
> Seattle, the Washington, DC, meetings of the World
> Bank and IMF, and the
> Republican and Democratic Conventions.
> For a detailed description of Live Wire & submission
> guidelines our
> website
> Distribution:
> Satellite: Public Radio Satellite System M-F feed at
> 6am ET, re-feed at
> 8:30 am ET. Channel A681m.
> Internet:
> MPEG (128kbps-highest broadcast quality) available
> no later than 1am ET;
> MPEG (64kbps-broadcast quality) available no later
> than 2am ET;
> RealAudio (consumer quality) available no later than
> 8:00am
> Fees:
> During the pilot period, Live Wire will be provided
> free of charge to
> non-commercial stations.
> Format & Clock:
> Live Wire will run 29-minutes with a 1-minute
> introduction to the day's
> stories, followed by a 5-minutes headlines segment
> of short news reports.
> The pilot program will present 4 to 6 feature
> segments each running 3-8
> minutes in length. These feature segments will be
> produced stories, with
> narration, interviews, and sound elements from
> correspondents and
> independent producers. The program will occasionally
> feature live in-depth
> interviews.
> For more information, to sign-up for carriage or to
> pitch a story please
> contact us by email or phone at 510-251-1332.
> Phillip Babich, executive producer & host
> x103
> Laura Livoti, co-director
> x101
> Lisa Rudman, co-director
> x105
> David Minkow, assignment editor
> x 109
> Item 4: Questions to think about while listening to
> the show
> A large part of the reason for doing a pilot is to
> get feedback
> from stations and listenersabout the program. We'd
> love to get feedback
> while the pilot is underway, in order to tweak it
> while it is still on the
> air.
> 1. What do you think of the mix of topics covered?
> 2. What do you think of the mix of voices aired?
> 3. What was particularly memorable from the
> newscast?
> 4. What do you think of the technical quality of the
> show?
> 5. What else do you want to share with the National
> Radio Project about
> the pilot news program?
> Your responses to these questions, suggestions for
> topics, guests and
> all other feedback may be sent to
> or call
> 510-251-1332 x105 or x101 to reach codirectors Lisa
> Rudman
> and Laura Livoti. We appreciate your interest in the
> program!
> =========================================
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