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Rainmaker revival

If you were out of town during July and early August, or if you missed
seeing "The Rainmaker" at Idaho Repertory Theatre, you'll have another
chance.  IRT is bringing back the play for four performances, Sept. 7-9
at 7:30 p.m. and Sept. 10 at 2 p.m.

The play was the box office hit of the summer, and most of its
performances were sold out.  The cast includes Lee Hatley of Pullman,
Kelly Quinnett of the UI Theatre faculty, plus other talented actors
from UI and other universities.

The play premiered on Broadway in 1954, and is currently enjoying a
successful revival starring Woody Harrelson and Jayne Atkinson. The
Hollywood version starred Burt Lancaster and Katherine Hepburn.

Tickets are $13 for adults, $11 for seniors and $7 for students and
youth.  If you had season flex passes that you didn't use, they will be
good for this performance.   Reservations are highly recommended to
guarantee a seat...  call the UI Ticket Office 885-7212 or stop by the
North Campus Center (the former Cavanaugh's) between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

I saw the play twice in July and highly recommend it.

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