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Weird request

After spending a day looking around various stores in Moscow, I could
not find what I was looking for. I am offering a small reward to the
person that locates what I'm looking for... a small, translucent box.
It needs to be 6" * 4" * 3" or so. Think Radio Shack project boxes
but something clear or otherwise translucent. I was trying to find
one made of LISA (the glowing light directing plastic) but anything
see-through works. I need to be able to buy these from a store within
an easy drive of Moscow... if you know of somewhere in Lewiston or
Pullman (or even Moscow!) that has something like this, a small reward
will be yours!
Ry Jones
Airgap Networks / Moscow, ID
208 882 2367 (office) 419 730 2199 (fax)

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