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RE: Hamilton for Youth Dream Team


The survey was commission by the Hamilton for Youth Dream Team.  The Dream
Team was appointed by Mayor Comstock.  The task of the team is to come up
with a prioritized list of Moscow parks and recreation projects. Damon
Burton is on this committee and has some experience with statistically valid
surveys.  With his help and the help of some U of I people, the survey will
be conducted according to accepted standards.

The results of this survey will be used along with other data the team has
collected or will collect (i.e. the public meeting).  Using all of this
information, we will develop a prioritized list of parks and recreation
projects we think the City of Moscow should do in the future.  The fact we
have the Hamilton bequest to help pay for these projects is not the focus of
this group.

After the prioritized list is developed, the next step in the process is to
decide how to fund them.  At that point, the Hamilton bequest and how much
of it should be spent now will be considered.  It is my understanding the
Mayor will likely appoint a different group to do this task.  Ultimately,
the City Council will have to approve any expenditures.

The survey will ask you to rank the following items:

1.	nature park and petting zoo
2. 	ice rink
3. 	multiuse trails (e.g., walking, hiking, biking and roller blading)
4. 	outdoor athletic fields (e.g. baseball, softball, soccer, etc.)
5.	acquire future park land
6.	cover new swimming pool (with "bubble" during winter months)
7.	youth meeting and classroom space (e.g. 4H, scouts, etc.)
8.	indoor multiuse athletic facility (e.g. gyms, etc.)
9.	young adult activity center (e.g. 15 & older hang out, dances, informal
games, big 	screen TV, stereo)
10.	upgrade Eggan Youth Center (e.g. 14 & younger hang out, informal games,
11.	developing and upgrading existing parks.

The survey will ask the respondent for any other ideas he/she might have.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lois Melina []
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 9:24 AM
To: Steve Busch; Vision2020
Subject: Re: Hamilton for Youth Dream Team

Can you share what those 11 ideas/projects are?
Is the thinking of the Council to invest the $5 million and spend the
interest, spend the $5 million, or some combination?

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Busch <>
To: Vision2020 <>
Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 9:12 AM
Subject: Hamilton for Youth Dream Team

>A survey will be mailed to selected Moscow residents this Friday.  If you
>are asked to complete a survey, please oblige.  It is a one page form
>for a ranking of eleven ideas/projects.
>A public meeting has been scheduled for July 13 at 7:00 PM in the Council
>Chambers.  Anyone with ideas or opinions on how to spend the Hamilton
>bequest should plan to attend.
>Steve Busch

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