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V2020> Re: virus

John D and other V2020 readers ....

Well, I'd like some opinions or definitive statements
about whether this was or WAS NOT an email worm.

My guess is that many on V2020 would not have expected
such and may have opened the source email, as I did.

But no one else on V2020 has reported it on their

So, John, if you "got it," why only you, or am I just
too dumb to know I have contracted it, if in fact I

Sam Scripter

----- Original Message ----- 
From: John Danahy <>
To: Vision2020 <>
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 5:03 PM
Subject: re: virus

> well I must be clean, nuttin nasty happened.  By the way Walter, you may
> have a Mac, but you also miss out on all the excitement
> John
> John and Laurie Danahy

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