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Re: Do the Right Thing

Bob Hoffman wrote:
> Last year, there was an international day of demonstrations demanding a new 
> trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal.  Some Moscow citizens joined this movement by 
> organizing a local protest.

I didn't say at the time because I figured ignoring the inflamitory
statements was the best policy, however, I don't think I've heard any
of the bands or the like ever rule out that Mumia may be guilty. The
strongest statements I've heard are along the lines of "new evidence
has come to light, he should get a new trial". I doubt the Backstreet
Boys have any strong feelings about anything political. I favor a new
trial for these reasons: If he's found guilty again, he can be
executed having had a chance to present his best case. If he's found
not guilty, a wrongly accused/convicted/jailed man can go free and
the hunt for the real killer can commence.

People act like a conviction has never been overturned. From what
I've heard a new trial is reasonable.

Ry Jones
Airgap Networks / Moscow, ID
208 882 2367 (office) 419 730 2199 (fax)

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