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RE: Gun Legislation

Dear E.
 what do you consider reasonable legislation?
Steve Cooke

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent:	Friday, April 30, 1999 4:54 PM
Subject:	Re: Gun Legislation

> >The anti-gun side asserts that it means only reasonable restrictions - 
> >denying that elimination of guns is an ultimate goal (and for many - most? 
> >elimination IS the goal).

>It is this level of paranoia that seems to characterize much of what
>passes for political discourse in this country. 

My point is that calling it "gun control" both inflames the gun owners, who 
see it as gun prohibition, and make liars out of those antis who wish to 
eliminate all private firearm ownership.  Neither of these things is good.

I don't believe that the statement that many antis wish to ban all firearms 
ownership is paranoid.  Many think there are NO logical, worthwhile reasons 
for private ownership of firearms.  Your characterization of me as paranoid 
can also be considered as worthless to a viable discussion concerning 

I do not doubt that many (most?) antis are pro-"reasonable legislation" - but 
you'd be crazy to think that there are not antis who wish to ban all private 
firearm ownership.  When proposed legislation comes from those parties, 
gun-owners cannot help but wince.  Many (most?) gun owners, myself included, 
are also for reasonable legislation, but what passes for "raesonable" in this 
country is rather ridiculous.

>Imposing restrictions on the purchase of rapdily firing weapons is
>different than prohibiting ownership of hunting rifles.

Like that statement...  Bolt-action hunting rifle are quite capable of firing 
rapidly.  Your criterion is either vague and purposeless, or it begs for 
restrictions on almost everything but single-fire firearms.

>Staking out such a black-and-white position 
>makes adjustment of competing interests impossible.

I did nothing like that.  I believe I made it clear that I wasn't ruling out 
additional legislation, but that people should least think before demanding 
more legislation.

Shooting from the hip, with both firearms and legislation, does not work.  
All I ask is that people stop to think before legislating.

E. O'Daniel

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