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moscow public works committee agenda 5-3-99

Agenda for Monday, May 3, 1999	4:30  p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers, 206 East Third, Second Floor
1.	Approval of Minutes of April 26, 1999

2.	Stormwater Control Ordinance -  Dale Pernula
Staff has drafted the attached Ordinance establishing stormwater detention 
requirements for new developments in Moscow.  If adopted, increased runoff 
resulting from the installation of impervious surfaces (rooftops, 
driveways, streets, etc.), would have to be temporarily detained with 
runoff leaving new development at a rate no greater than historic levels. 
 Engineering staff will be present to explain some of the details.  A 
public hearing has been scheduled before the Planning and Zoning Commission 
for May 12, 1999.

ACTION:  Review and comment on proposed Ordinance.

3.	Sale of L.I.D. Bonds #123, 124, and 125 - Jim Wallace
Ordinances were previously adopted confirming the assessment rolls for 
these three L.I.D.'s.  During the thirty-day cash payment period, a total 
of $45,686.79 was collected, leaving a total amount of bonds to be sold of 
$75,904.35. Ordinances will be presented for adoption at the May 3rd 
Council meeting for the balance of $75,904.35.  These ordinances will 
establish an interest rate for the unpaid assessments of 7.5% and provide 
for negotiated sales of the bonds.
							Council Agenda Items #2, 3, & 4
	ACTION:  Recommend approval of ordinance; or take such other action as 
deemed appropriate.

4.	Siting of Temporary Emergency Helipad - Mike McGahan
The Moscow Volunteer Fire Department has requested that the southern end of 
Blaine Street (a dead-end street) be utilized as a temporary helipad for 
the evaluation of critically ill or injured patients from Gritman Medical 
Center to Spokane area hospitals.

ACTION:  Recommend approval of siting of temporary helipad as approved by 
Public Works Department.



Discussion - Council Workshop for Community Services Grant

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