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Meeting on Smart Growth and the M-P Corridor, 4/29


Our informal meeting with Jon Barrett (Co-Coordinator Idaho Smart Growt.
will be at 7 pm Thursday at Bill London's house,1231 Highland Drive.  (Let
me know if you need directions.)  Jon will talk about what the state
organization is doing, and answer any questions you might have.  He would
like to hear what we think about prospects for the Moscow-Pullman corridor.
 I'll try to have someone there who attended last week's Whitman County
Commissioners' mtg.  I hope Jon can offer some suggestions based on
experiences in other communities around the state.

I'll provide beverages -- and it would be great if people could bring a
snack to pass.  Also, if you have a chance, let me know who plans to come.

Please pass this message along to anyone who you think might be interested.

Hope to see you Thursday.  --Priscilla Salant

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