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A School Community

Just a thought,
	I have worn uniforms in parochial school and while I served in the
Coast Guard.  I don't like them.  I am not 100% sure why.  But they did
have one effect among the wearers.  In both cases we tended to be a
	Is it unthinkable to have all kids wear "the same thing" to
school.  Would we have a better idea if something was "amiss" in that
case? Would the students' rush to get those "personal clothes" on at the
end of the school day be a sort of special indicator of where your kids
are at mentally?  Would we be more likely to ask the question of "why the 
hell is he/she feel it is necessary to conform to a certain 'mode of
dress?'"  Would being different not equate to looking different as much as
things are today?  Would the students on some level feel part of the same
class and society with just a little less emphasis on "diversity?" Would
families save money on clothing?  Does free expression get infringed?  If
it is illegal to do it in the public shool [uniforms that is], should it
	As you can tell, I am not a social scientist.  I have more
questions than answers.  But you know, what would uniforms hurt?  Anyway,
sorry if this "suggestion" is too inflammatory for you all.  Have a nice
day.  John Horak.

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