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RE: columbine h.s.

Don't we need to identify the problem before we scatter solutions into the
ether?  (This is an engineer talking, of course.)

Exactly what do you think the problem is?

Where does this problem first manifest itself?

Can we get beyond emotion and talk facts?

On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, Lois Melina wrote:
> Can we get beyond blame in this discussion and suggest positive steps?
> At 03:55 PM 4/21/99 -0700, Robert Probasco wrote:
> >> "It is our own children who have made the schools unsafe?"
> >> This comment makes me wonder about the role of adults in childrens' lives.
> >
> >While these wrenching tragedies usually reach fruition in HS or JHS, the
> >seeds are sown (and nurtured) during the early elementary years.  
> >
> >Even though the parents have control over the home environment, it is the
> >administrators and teachers (and older students) who set the standards in
> >the school.  Perhaps the teachers have felt powerless to impose the
> >discipline and modeling needed during elementary school (since everything 
> >must now be politically correct).
> >		
> >I was appalled at the level of behavior tolerated in the Moscow elementary
> >and JH schools about five to ten years ago.  Yet the people in charge
> >considered it acceptable.  I gather the JHS has improved recently, with
> >the new administrator.
> >
> >How are the elementary schools doing?  

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