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Re: columbine h.s.

I am sure other parents of high school students heard stories like the one I
heard this morning about students at MHS who always wear trenchcoats and
were suspended for a couple of days for unknown reasons but are believed to
be the ones "most likely to go on a shooting spree" by fellow students.  In
all of the recent tragic cases from around the country, fellow students
noticed the warning signs that something was amiss with these individuals.
I think there should be an avenue for students to anonymously bring these
students to the attention of the school so that they can be monitored and
hopefully helped.  I believe there needs to be education for staff and
students to recognize warning signs and take them seriously.  These are
steps I think we could take which would make a difference.  I don't have
answers on how to counteract the glorified violence and alienation that
seems to permeate the culture in which our children live.  I can't help but
think that the media attention each incident receives contributes to
perpetuating the problem on the one hand, but maybe that same media
attention will force school districts take precautionary steps to avoid
similar tragedies.

Karen Olstad

At 10:04 AM 4/21/99 -0700, Lois Melina wrote:
>what, if anything,
>could be done
>should be done
>in the Moscow School District 
>to reduce the chance of a shooting like this in our schools
>to respond should an incident like this develop?
>Lois Melina
>Lois Melina
>Editor, "Adopted Child" newsletter
>P.O. Box 9362
>Moscow ID 83843
>phone: (208)882-1794
>fax: (208)883-8035

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