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Sign Ordinance

Thanks to Sam Scripter, John Teeter, Bill London, and Greg Brown for 
your thoughtful responses.  Bill, yours is noted for further 
reference.  Greg, yours also, but this particular ordinance does NOT 
deal with billboards--there is a separate ordinance for them.  

Regarding Sam's questions, seconded by John, the information is brief 
enough to be reasonably posted to V2020 or sent as an attachment to 
those who would like to review it.  I will follow up to see if I can 
obtain the text in a ready format to distribute it in that fashion 
and advise as soon as it is available.  My preference is to send it 
to those who request it and archive the text for anyone who wants to 
pull it up later.  That way everyone's mail isn't cluttered (with the 
consequent download time) with the full text.

Suggestions can be made through the list or through public 
meetings, or both.  The subcommittee will meet with representatives 
of city businesses to hear their comments, complaints, and 
suggestions, and will meet with other interested community members 
for the same purpose.  The full Planning and Zoning Commission will 
also have a public hearing once a proposed draft of the ordinance is 
submitted.  I will post notices of those meetings to the list.

Thanks again for the replies.

Mike Curley

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