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Dams Agenda

	This is the latest version of the agenda.  You probably know it is
on Saturday, April 3 and it starts at 8:45 for coffee and donuts.  I am
going to tape it myself.

9:00 am  Dale Goble, Professor Natural Resources Laws explains the
evolution of the Lower Snake River Basin from natural flow to slackwater
focusing on the change caused by the addition of up-basin storage

9:30 am  Janet Smith, Attorney for Army Corps will examine the law
impacting the alternatives presente to restore the anadromous fish runs

10:00 am  Steve Pettit,  Fish biologist  with I.D.F.G. will discuss the
biology of anadromous fish

10:30 am  Dr. Joel Hamilton, Professor Agricultural Economics will discuss
the economics of the alternatives as revealed by the Northwest Power
Planning Commission study

11:00 am  Dr. Patrick Wilson,  Associate Professor Natural Resources 
Policy will discuss the political feasibility of the alternatives

11:30 am  Dr. Chuck Harris,  Professor Recreation, Resource, and Tourism
will discuss the impacts on communities of the alternatives as revealed by
the Army-Corps sponsored study

12:00  pm  Reed Burkeholder,  Advocate for the breach alternative
makes his argument

12:30  pm  Jamie Buckal,  Author of "The Great Salmon Hoax" makes his
argument against the breach alternative

1:00  pm  Questions and Answers Panel
	Janet Smith
	Reed Burkeholder
	Jamie Buchal

Further questions just email me.  Have a nice day and thanks for
"calling."  John

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