Books and other issues

Books and other issues

Lou Sternberg (
Sat, 30 May 1998 20:59:06 -0600

Briana wrote:
>Growing up in Boise, we had a "frequent contributer" to the editorial
>page named Carol Bachelder. Mr. Sternberg (I hope I got your last
>name right, Lou!), is she still around?

Briana -- you've caught me. I seldom read the Idaho Statesman (which I
prefer to call the "Idaho Statesperson"). p.s. you can call me Lou.

Recommended books -- now that is another issue! I heartily recommend BEHIND
THE SCENES AT THE MUSUEM by Kate Atkinson (1995). This novel won the
Whitbread Book of the Year Award (the British version of the Pen-Faulkner)
as the year's best first novel. A humorous, poignant, sometimes sad first
person account of growing up in York, England during the 1950-60s. With
ample "footnotes" to explicate the ties between her and the lives of her
parent and grandparents. She is an accomplished writer, and a joy to read.
In addition, the book is filled with British 'common knowledge'--brand
names, idioms, and cultural idiosyncrasies --that are easy to understand,
but contrast with and underscore the equally unique aspects of our own
childhoods. (She has 'jam roly-polys,' we have s'mores.)

The book is easy to read (thankfully, there is no attempt portray dialect
with such bothersome writing as "'alf an arf ye dog bark't"), and will have
you re-examining the ups and downs in your own life, and have you
re-examining your own notions of family. (And, by the way, just what is a

Lou S.

Lou Sternberg, Ph.D. (208)343-0555
5017 Bel Air
Boise ID 83705-2777

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