C.O.P.S. (Community Oriented Policing)

C.O.P.S. (Community Oriented Policing)
Tue, 26 May 1998 10:37:15 -0400 (EDT)

Subscribers: First of all, I must thank Lou S. for his informative piece. Not only did he share his information, he gave us references to check out on the web.

Now that we have this knowledge, we can ask ourselves if our community is sucessful in practicing this concept.

To answer this, I suggest we start with the archives of vision2020. To make it easy, there are a number of pieces written starting in mid-May 1997 and going through the month of June 97. It made for iteresting reading a year ago, and will again if you review it, keeping in mind some of the more recent postings to 2020.

Let's again examine the thoughts of Kenton Bird, Timothy Hillebrand, Jo Williams, and Greg Meyer along with others.

Now that you're an informed reader, do you feel that our MPD has sucessfully improved communications with the community?

Has there been increased accountability to the local community?

The Community Retreat on June 13th may be an excellent place to open the door and get some involvement from our citizens. Not everyone has access to vision2020, but they deserve to have their voices heard also.

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