(Fwd) FWD: Phone Scam

(Fwd) FWD: Phone Scam

Nick Sanyal (
Fri, 15 May 1998 17:33:48 -0700

>From: "John Hunt" <>
>Organization: University of Idaho
>Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 16:20:56 PST
>Subject: (Fwd) FWD: Phone Scam
>Priority: normal
>X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Windows (v2.52)
>------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
>Date: 15 May 98 11:02:25 +0000
>From: Patty Morgan <>
>Subject: FWD: Phone Scam
>To: Laurie Barrera <>,
> Randy Bowling <>,
> Skip Crandall <>,
> Bill Hill <>,
> John Hunt <>, Kristin Hunt
> "Kristy A. Coy" <>,
> Brendan Lenihan <>,
> "Wardle, Lewis" <>,
> Garth Miller <>,
> John Miller <>,
> Lori Morgan <>,
> Randy Morgan <>, Tom Morgan
> Suzanne Gold <>, Rusty Townsend
>Reply-to: Patty Morgan <>
>Hello everyone. I thought you all might be interested in this notice. I
>checked it out with the P.U.C. and they said it was for real, so beware
>I received a telephone call from an individual identifying himself as an
> AT&T Service Technician who was conducting a test on our telephone
>lines. He stated that to complete the test we should touch nine (9), zero
>(0),the pound sign (#) and then hang up. Luckily, we were suspicious and
>refused. Upon contacting the telephone company we were informed that by
>pushing 90# you give the requesting individual full access to your
>telephone line, which allows them to place long distance telephone calls
>billed to your home phone number. We were further informed that this scam
>has been originating from many of the local jails/prisons.
>I have also verified this information with UCB Telecomm and Pacific Bell.
>Please beware. This sounds like an Urban Legend - IT IS NOT!!! I further
> called GTE Security this morning and verified that this is definitely
>DO NOT press 90# for ANYONE. The GTE Security department requested that I
> have this information with EVERYONE I KNOW!!! Could you PLEASE pass
>this on. If you have mailing lists and/or newsletters from organizations
>you are connected with, I encourage you to pass on this information.
>Budd A. Hetrick, Jr.
>Supervising Investigator
>State of Idaho - Bureau of Occupational Licenses
>1109 Main Street Suite 220
>Boise Id 83702
>Phone 208-334-3233
>Fax 208-334-3945
>RFC822 header
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>From: (Hetrick, Budd)
>Return-Receipt-To: (Hetrick, Budd)
>To: ('Hetrick, Shauna'),
> (Budd Hetrick III (E-mail)),
> (Sharlene Hetrick (E-mail)),
> ('Raper, Mark')
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>Organization: State of Idaho
>Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 09:53:39 -0600
>Subject: Phone Scam
>Mark L. Raper
>Idaho Business Network
>Idaho Deparment of Commerce
>Dr. John D. Hunt
>Department Head
>Department of Resource Recreation and Tourism
>College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Sciences
>University of Idaho
>Moscow, ID 83844-1139 USA
>Phone: 208-885-7911
>Fax: 208-885-6226
Nick Sanyal, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Resource Recreation and Tourism
University of Idaho
Moscow Idaho 83844-1139

Fax: 208/885-6226
Phone: 208/885-7528

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