may 18 council agenda

may 18 council agenda

Gib Myers (
Fri, 15 May 1998 17:27:42 -0700


May 18, 1998 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street

1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.

A. Approval of Minutes of May 4, 1998.

B. Approval of Accounts Payable for April, 1998 - Jim Wallace
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month of
April, 1998 and recommends approval of the following:

General 380,002.94
Parks & Recreation 64,066.39
Arts 3,482.31
Street 48,587.45
911 16,579.15
Water & Sewer 211,316.31
Sanitation 166,972.94
Parking 6,564.10
TOTALS 897,571.59

C. Development Agreement for Phase C of Moser's 5th Addition and
Associated Construction (Lot 4 - 11, 30 - 36 of Block 2)- Gary Presol
Developers of Phase C of Moser's 5th Addition submit the attached
Development Agreement to ensure completion of remaining improvements.
Reviewed by the Public Works/Finance Committee May 18, 1998.

ACTION: Approve Development Agreement for Phase C, Moser's 5th Addition,
Lots 4 - 11, and Lots 30 - 36 of Block 2.

D. Change Order - Washington Street/State Highway 8 Waterline - Gary
The City encountered unforeseen, underground situations with an existing
waterline and existing storm sewer line. The changes were necessary to
complete the project and keep the water distribution infrastructure in good
condition. The amount of money budgeted for waterline work associated with
the South Couplet Project is $82,000.

ACTION: Approve change order and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.

E. Colbert Lot Division - Dale Pernula
Jim and Pam Colbert propose to divide land they own on Orchard Avenue into
two parcels. Although the property they own is zoned AF (with a minimum
40-acre lot size) and the division would create a 6.0 acre and a 1.53 acre
parcel of land, there are already dwellings located on each proposed
parcel. The Board of Adjustment granted a lot size variance for this
proposal on August 5, 1997. Reviewed by the Administrative Committee May
14, 1998. The Administrative Committee voted to recommend approval of this
lot division conditioned upon: (a) annexation of the newly created 1.53
acre parcel of land, and (b) recordation of easements, as necessary, for
shared septic and/or water well systems between the two lots involved.

ACTION: Approve Colbert Lot Division with the recommended conditions.

F. Professional Services Contract with David Evans & Associates, Inc. -
Roger Blanchard
A master plan has been developed by DEA for the "Hidden Treasure"
Neighborhood Park. A new contract for engineering services has been
negotiated with DEA for $8,115.00. The new contract is for construction
drawings so that work may begin toward building the park. Reviewed by
Public Works/Finance May 18, 1998.

ACTION: Accept the contract for professional services and authorize the
Mayor's signature thereon.

G. Sewer Collection Permission to Overrun Part-time Line Item - Gary Presol
Because of additional workload placed on Ellis Parkins to direct the
infiltration/inflow program, his services have been lost to the sewer crew
and they have been working short-handed. We request to overrun the
part-time budget line item in the Sewer Collection Department by
approximately $12,300. The sewer collection budget is expected to have
additional revenues in Developer Participation. Reviewed by Public Works
Finance 5/18/98.

ACTION: Approve the overrun request for Sewer Department Part-time Budget
Line Item for the Infiltration and Inflow program.

2. City Shop Complex Consultant Selection - Gary Presol
The submittals were reviewed by Tom Scallorn, Water/Sewer Department
Supervisor; Mike McGahan, Street Supervisor; Dean Weyen, Assistant City
Engineer; and Gary Presol, Public Works Director. Based on evaluation,
ALSC is the staff recommendation. A request is also made to authorize a
budget overrun in Water Department in accordance with the attached memo.
Reviewed by Public Works/Finance May 18, 1998.

ACTION: Accept proposal from ALSC and direct staff to negotiate contract,
or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

3. Reconsideration of Kevin Adams Appeal of Decision of Moscow Zoning Board
Adjustment to Deny a Conditional Use Permit for a Mini-Warehouse Facility
in the
Moscow Area of City Impact - Tony Johnson
On October 6, 1997, the Council denied Adams' appeal from the Board of
Adjustment's denial of a Conditional Use Permit for a mini-warehouse
facility in the Ag/Forestry Zone in the Area of City Impact. A vote to
reconsider requires a majority. Only the merits of whether to reconsider
previous Council action can be debated during the motion.

ACTION: If the motion passes, Council may immediately reconsider the
merits of the appeal or may schedule another time to reconsider the appeal.
If the motion to reconsider fails, no further action is necessary.

4. City Code Revision- Randy Fife
The City Code has been revised to make language and usage clear and
consistent throughout, to eliminate redundancy, and to reorganize headings
and numbering. References to related statutes and ordinances have been
added where thought to be helpful. Any violations of the Code will carry
the standard misdemeanor penalty. The ordinance repeals the existing
Moscow City Code (Ordinance 1476, 12/21/81) and replaces it with the
version of the Code presented to you, effective July 1, 1998. Reviewed by
Administrative Committee.

ACTION: Reject proposal; or approve City Code Revision and adopt enclosed
ordinance effective July 1, 1998, on first reading or under suspension of
the rules requiring three separate and complete readings, and that the
ordinance be read by title only.

5. Whitworth Building Status - Gary J. Riedner
Negotiations with Moscow School District have failed to resolve concerns
over the risk of environmental hazards and the potential problems. Since
the issues have not been settled, the sale cannot be completed at this
time. Staff is requesting Council direction.

ACTION: Direct staff to implement Council recommendation regarding
Whitworth Building purchase.


Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
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