Got posters?

Got posters?

Susan Palmer (
Tue, 12 May 1998 20:20:23 -0700


Melissa Rockwood of R Design designed the posters for the
Moscow Community Retreat and they are ready! Thanks to
Opportunities Unlimited, you should begin to see the posters
downtown and in the malls in the next few days.

Additional posters will be inserted in the Moscow-Pullman Daily
News for the Weekend Edition on May 23-24. So, if you are
traveling for Memorial Day weekend, save your weekend Daily
News! Registration forms are printed on the back of the insert!

If you would like posters for your workplace or organization, just
give me a call, or e-mail me and I will see that you receive the
number you want.

For those who are still unfamiliar with the Moscow Community
Retreat event, you may view a segment of Northwest Morning
(KLEW-TV, CBS, channel 3) highlighting the retreat. It airs on
Thursday, May 14 at 8:25 a.m., and again on Tuesday, May 19
at 7:42 a.m..

Susan Palmer

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