Re: Legislative Council Interium Study Committee

Joan Berney (
Tue, 21 Apr 1998 08:13:46 PST

Are you surprised they didn't think of the school facilities.
Are you forgetting you are in the state that doesn't care about
it's children? The highest rate of child abuse, the lowest
rates in education and child welfare? I applaud your

I also have an idea for you.......the $10.00 building fund that
is collected from every working Idahonian, including those under
18 that work. This is very possibly a substantial number of tax
payers paying into this fund. I would suggest that by school
district the $10.00 fund put in by taxpayers 18 and under be
earmarked for youth center needs. If there is not a youth
center in the community then it should be earmarked for after
school activities.

If we are going to start making our children pay taxes, at least
they can see something come out of it. They are obviously not
seeing anything being done for children in this state!!!!!

Joan B.

Tue, 21 Apr 1998 07:52:21 -0700 (PDT) To: From: (Tom Trail)
Subject: Legislative Council Interium Study Committee


The Legislators adopted four concurrent resolutions and passed a House bill
during the 1998 session to create five new Legislative Council interim study
committee, joining the two year committee established in 1997 to study electric
utility restructuring.

. HB 689--Establishing a committee to study property tax exemptions granted
to charitable organizations and nonprofit hospitals.

. HCR 33-Establishing a committee to study revenue sharing, loans and grant
programs and shared revenue sources which affect the cities, counties
and other special districts that deliver services to Idaho citizens.

. HCR 43 - Establishing a committee to study legislation relating to state
and local units of government impacting the value of private property

. HCR 50 - Establishing a committee to study the separation of environmental
matters into the Department of Environmental Quality.

. SCR 130 - Establishing a committee to study alcoholic beverage laws and
evaluate those that create alcohol special interest groups.

A number of legislators proposed that we establish an Interium Committee
to study the issue of School Facilities. Leadership did not approve the
request. I felt that this is a very important issue of concern for our
District, i.e. Troy, Genesee, etc.

This summer I will be serving on A Committee to Study Reading Education in
Idaho. This committee is being funded by the Albertson Foundation.

Rep. Tom Trail/Dist. 5

Dr. Tom Trail
International Trails
2039 Mt. View Rd.
Moscow, Id. 83843
Tel: (208) 882-6077
Fax: (208) 882-0896
e mail