Re: MPD Officers Arrested

Lori Sodorff (
Fri, 10 Apr 1998 15:52:24 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Dan,

I was simply repeating something that I had heard. I personally don't
trust the Moscow Police Department or the Latah County Sheriff's Office
farther than I could throw them but, this is just my opinion and should in
no way be taken personally.

I also beleive, that whether or not it is true the citizens of Moscow will
never know the truth.

I spent my entire life in Moscow and am more than aware of the "Good Old
Boy" tactics that go on. The right hand has know idea what the left hand
is doing.I am sure this is not news to anyone.

In light of the L.A. beatings it is quite apparent that Law enforcement
officers do what they can to protect 'their own'.

If I made anyone nervouse I do applogize, I was simply repeating something
that I had heard. I didn't suggest that it might be a rumor, because it
could just as easily have been true, which I did not state either.

p.s. if any of you out there reading this care about your rights and
freedoms then you must "QUESTION AUTHORITY ALWAYS"!

Peace be with you,
Kay. Across the wall of the world,
A River sings a beautiful song. It says,
Come, rest here by my side.
-- Maya Angelou