Fw: attachments

Sam M W Scripter (scripter@uidaho.edu)
Thu, 9 Apr 1998 14:38:18 -0700

Thursday, April 9, 1998

Visionaries ....

This is to suggest that you not follow my example of attaching large files
to email which you send to the list.

This morning I received the polite request, below.

I suppose small "thumbnail" graphics would not be burdensome, and perhaps
could foster enough curiosity that some readers could request full-sized
copies via private email. I think, though, it would not have the full
impact of directly attached files.

Another approach, which I did in the end, but which everyone is not equipped
to do, is to place large files which one wishes to share -- graphics, video
clips, sound files, etc. -- on one's web page, then simply put the web
address and thumbnail in the announcement posted to the list.

Sam Scripter

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim McIver <jmciver@lmtribune.com>
To: scripter@uidaho.edu <scripter@uidaho.edu>
Date: Thursday, April 09, 1998 11:31 AM
Subject: attachments


Please don't attach gif files to messages sent to the listserv at

My remote users are having difficulty with the hugh files.


Lewiston Morning Tribune Postmaster