Re: Fascists=Right Wingers -- NOT

Tom and Briana LeClaire (
Wed, 08 Apr 98 18:29:57 PDT

You betcha -- I'm up for it. I think.

> Briana,
> Maybe this could be one of the topics for our semi-informal, Vision 2020
> forums/discussions. I'm still interested in seeing them take place. I
> believe there is value in bringing people of diverse backgrounds and
> outlooks together to discuss differences, similarities and "visions".
> we can make it happen?
> Greg Meyer
> At 02:01 PM 4/8/98 PDT, you wrote: (snips)
> >To the Editor:
> >
> >
> > Those of us over here on the right would
> >describe ourselves as conservatives, and conservatism respects individual
> >freedoms while realizing those freedoms are best held in check by
> >non-governmental institutions such as churches, schools, and families, so
> >we can all live together somewhat peaceably.
> >
> >What on earth would a fascist have to say to conservatives? Fascism and
> >Nazism (originally the National SOCIALIST German Worker's party) believe
> >(among other things) collectivism, which is surely a leftist principle.
> >Would it not be more accurate to describe groups who share Irving's
> >collectivist principles as "far-left"?
> >
> > In the national consciousness, however, right-wingers
> >get associated with fascists, Nazis, and other racists.
> >
> >
> >Sincerely,
> >
> >Briana LeClaire
> >Moscow, ID
> >
> >
> >