bike route survey

Nancy Casey (
Wednesday, April 29, 1998 11:58 PM

>from David Peckham
>The Moscow Bicycle Advisory Comm. is proposing the development of a bike
>route network through town. We have several firm routes proposed and are
>ready to launch into public outreach.
>We have drawn up a survey for you to use to share your opinions on bike
>routes. We have a big map showing our proposed routes and its all going
>to be at the Rennaissance Fair this weekend, May 2 and 3. Surveys will be
>at the Bicycle Ressurection booth just north of the main stage.
>Please come and share your ideas, complete the survey. Do
>we need bike routes? Would you or people you care about use them?
>Should they be signed, or just used as a tool for the city to prioritize
>funding for bicycle projects?
>(also free bike repair, lessons included)
>See yall at the fair!