moscow city council 4-20 agenda

Gib Myers (
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 16:57:01 -0700


April 20, 1998 7:30 p.m.

City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street

1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.

A. Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of March 11, 1998.

B. Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of March 23, 1998.

C. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 6, 1998.
D. Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for March,
1998 and recommends approval of the following - Jim Wallace
General 590,065.60
Parks & Recreation 69,591.19
Arts 4,196.80
Street 79,100.70
911 14,045.60
LID Guaranty 1,600.00
Water & Sewer 184,630.93
Sanitation 163,019.51
Parking 9,832.38
LID Bond & Interest 16,747.50
TOTALS 1,132,830.21

E. Approval of Judges and Clerks for May 26, 1998 Bond Election - Gib Myers
Those individuals on the submitted list have been contacted and have agreed
to work at the May 26, 1998 Bond Election.

ACTION: Approve submitted list for the May 26, 1998 Bond Election.

F. Approval of Beer and Wine License for Taco Time - Gib Myers
Taco Time (401 West 6th) has submitted an application and fees for a
restaurant beer and wine license. Because the restaurant is located within
300 feet of a church (St. Augustine's Catholic Center, 628 Deakin Avenue),
Idaho Code =A723-913 requires the City Council to approve issuance.=20

ACTION: Approve issuance of license to Taco Time restaurant for sale of
beer and wine for on-premise consumption.

G. Bid Results on Third Street L.I.D. - Gary Presol
Bids were opened Tuesday, April 14, 1998 with the following results:
Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. 54,064.30
Motley & Motley, Inc. 58,932.48
Quad Cities Construction, Inc. 60,714.10
The Engineer's estimate was $49,354. The bids received did not include
landscaping which is estimated to be $2,180. With the low bid of
$54,064.30 and the landscaping cost of approximately $2,180, the total
construction cost should be approximately $56,244.30. The City share
amounts to $15,300, which leaves the L.I.D. construction portion at
approximately $40,936. When 20% E and A is included, the total L.I.D.
approximate cost is $49,723. The advertised amount for the L.I.D. was
$44,241. The increase in cost to the L.I.D., based on the bids, will be
approximately $5,482. By State Code we are allowed to assess 20% above the
advertised amount or $8,848.
Reviewed by Public Works/Finance April 20, 1998.=20

ACTION: Accept low bid from Poe Asphalt, Inc.; direct staff to prepare
contract; and authorize Mayor's signature.

H. Resolution of Claim - Randy Fife
ICRMP has resolved the Daulton and Radavich v. City of Moscow, CV 97-00313
with Plaintiffs at no cost to the City. The settlement document requires
the Mayor's signature.

ACTION: Authorize Mayor's signature on settlement document.

I. Resolution of Claim - Randy Fife
Stevens v. LFCU and City of Moscow, CR96-00695, has been resolved with
$7,500 as the City's contribution. All parties agree to mutual release of

ACTION: Authorize Mayor's signature on settlement document.

2. Public Hearing - 7:30 p.m. - Annexation and Zoning of Property Located
on the=20
Southeast Corner of N. Polk Extension and Empire Way - Dale Pernula
Moscow Fire Department proposes to locate a new fire station on a half-acre
parcel of land at this site which would require rezoning of the property
(to R-2) and annexation. After annexation, a Special Use Permit will be
required for the fire station. The Planning and Zoning Commission held a
public hearing on this matter on February 11, 1998 (minutes enclosed).
This will also require rezoning of the remainder of the property from which
the half-acre will be divided and a lot division.

ACTION: After conducting the public hearing, reject proposal, or approve
the annexation and rezoning and adopt the enclosed Ordinances (rezoning
both parcels with separate ordinances) on first reading, or under
suspension of the rules requiring three complete readings. Findings of
fact are required on the rezoning. If the rezoning is approved, consider
approval or denial of the lot division.

3. Public Hearing - 7:45 p.m. - Preliminary Subdivision Plat and Rezoning
of Property=20
Located on the North side of West Palouse River Drive - Dale Pernula
Mr. Bob Heisch proposes to rezone 1.91 acres of land (indicated as parcel
"A" on the enclosed map) he owns from FR to R-3 and to create six lots
(which could be used for single family or duplexes); and to plat the
remaining 1.11 acres of land (Parcel "B") into two single family
residential lots currently zoned and to remain R-1. In addition to the
proposed rezoning, City staff proposed rezoning Anderson/Frontier Park
(Parcel "C") from FR to R-3 or R-4. A public hearing on this matter was
held by the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 25, 1998 (minutes

ACTION: After conducting public hearing, consider the following actions:
1. Reject rezoning of Parcel "A" from FR to R-3 or approve rezoning and
adopt enclosed Ordinance on first reading or under suspension of the rules
requiring three complete readings. Findings of Fact must be made on this
2. Reject proposed preliminary subdivision plat or approve the plat with
or without conditions.
3. Reject rezoning of Parcel "C" from FR to R-3 or approve rezoning and
adopt enclosed Ordinance on first reading or under suspension of the rules
requiring three complete readings. Findings of Fact are required.

4. Public Hearing - 8:00 p.m. - Consideration of Ordinance Reducing Minimum
for Lots Served by Alleys and Reducing Minimum Street Frontage on
Cul-de-sacs.- Dale=20
The reduction in sideyard requirements for lots served by alleys is
proposed to encourage the use of alleys and because access to the rear of
such lots is satisfied by the alley and the extra space for the side yard
is thus less important. This reduction in minimum lot frontage on
cul-de-sacs corresponds to the adoption of a reduced radius on cul-de-sacs
last year. A public hearing on these matters was held by the Planning and
Zoning Commission March 25, 1998 (minutes enclosed). Reviewed by
Administrative Committee April 16, 1998.

ACTION: Reject proposal; or approve amendments to the zoning code and
adopt enclosed Ordinances on first reading or under suspension of the rules
requiring three complete readings.

5. Public Hearing - 8:10 p.m. - Ordinance Clarifying the Allowance of
Financial Institutions in the RO Zone - Dale Pernula
The proposed Ordinance would include lending and financial institutions in
the list of examples of uses permitted in the RO zone. A public hearing
was held on this matter by the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 11,
1998 (minutes enclosed). Reviewed by the Administrative Committee April
16, 1998.

ACTION: Reject proposal; or approve amendment to the zoning code and adopt
enclosed Ordinance on first reading or under suspension of the rules
requiring three complete readings.

6. Public Hearing - 8:20 p.m. - Ordinance Amending the Penalty for
Violation of the Zoning Code - Dale Pernula
The proposed amendment would remove the specific penalties currently
provided in the zoning code for violations in order to make the penalties
consistent with the remainder of the City Code. A public hearing was held
on this matter by the Planning and Zoning Commission March 11, 1998
(minutes enclosed). Reviewed by the Administrative Committee April 16,=

ACTION: Reject proposal; or approve amendment to the zoning code and adopt
enclosed Ordinance on first reading or under suspension of the rules
requiring three complete readings.

7. Request by Terry Gregory to Obtain Sewer Services from Southeast Moscow
Water and=20
Sewer District - Dale Pernula
Terry Gregory owns a narrow strip of land south of Troy Highway and east of
Linville Road adjacent to the Southeast Moscow Water and Sewer District and
has requested to be annexed to the District in order to get sewer services.
The District has approved the annexation, but according to the District's
agreement with the City (enclosed) the service must be approved by the
City. Reviewed by the Public Works/Finance Committee April 20, 1998.

ACTION: Reject or approve extending services to Terry Gregory's property.

Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions