Moscow Vision 2020

Susan Palmer (
Wed, 15 Apr 1998 20:52:07 -0700

Although Steve Cooke's comments are well taken, I would like to clarify the
mission of Moscow Vision 2020 by re-posting the mission statement
which each of you received when you first subscribed to this listserver.

Please note the use of the term "multi-partisan" as opposed to
"non-partisan." The fine distinction here is that ALL points of view
are welcome in Moscow Vision 2020, while NO SINGLE point of
view is "the" view of the organization. Technically speaking, that means
that the organization itself does not endorse a particular position on a
political issue. However, individuals are encouraged to express their
points of view. So, when an issue (economic or otherwise) is before
the list and the community, the listserver invites partisan, even
multi-partisan, discourse. (And, if you must, non-partisan comments
have a place on the listserver and in the organization as well.)

When any point of view is expressed in this forum, it is the point of view
of the individual, not the organization. If I, Lois Melina, Briana
LeClaire, Priscilla Salant, Joan Berney, Steve Cooke, Lou Sternberg
or anyone else choose to make our opinions known, it is here that those
opinions are welcomed, without confusing individual perspectives with the
overarching organization.

I encourage you to review the mission statement once again. You will see
that the content of what may be addressed is broad in range.

While I have your ear (or eye), I want to share a keeper of a quote that
spilled from the mouth of our soon-to-be-former-Superintendent of the
Moscow School District after I thanked him for all his work on the
forthcoming Moscow Community Retreat.
"It takes a lot of people to do things...
and a few people to do most of it." Jack Hill (4-15-98)

Susan Palmer

Vision 2020 Mission Statement Adopted March 1995
Moscow Vision 2020 is an informal, multi-partisan group of Moscow residents
formed in 1993 to encourage more public information and debate about the
future of Moscow and Latah County. Specifically, its goals are:

1.To ensure that all parts of our community have an opportunity to take
part in visualizing and planning for the community's future.

2.To strengthen citizens' sense of community by promoting awareness,
ownership and investment in Moscow's future.

3.To foster cooperation among (and public involvement with) the agencies
and organizations that plan for and make decisions about the future of
Moscow and Latah County.

4.To raise awareness on the part of citizens and public officials that:

o uncontrolled and unplanned growth may have negative effects.
o short-term decisions have long-term consequences.

5.To inform ourselves about growth and development issues.

6.To have fun thinking critically and creatively.


1.Promoting community dialogue on planning and growth issues through such
diverse channels of communication as a discussion list on the Internet.

2.Increasing knowledge of community-based planning techniques through study
groups, workshops and guest speakers.

3.Providing technical expertise and volunteer assistance to community
groups and local agencies interested in applying community-based planning,
such as the Latah County Planning and Zoning Commissions and the Shared
Facilities Task Force.

4.Involving the community, especially young people, in planning through
such activities as tours, contests, simulation games and exhibits.

5.Recruiting volunteers to monitor and report on meetings of public
agencies as a way of increasing public knowledge of the decision-making
Vision 2020 has no bylaws, budget or membership requirements. Its
activities are coordinated by a three-member steering committee chosen
annually by consensus.