Re: Pool??

John Danahy (
Sun, 12 Apr 1998 22:24:33 -0700

Ah yes. The problem with emotionless print!! Apparently I failed to
make myself clear. What I meant to say was I found it interesting and
revealing that this forum could initiate a large public discussion that
resulted in a personal, mediated meeting of opposing viewpoints. I also
found it interesting and revealing that neither the results of the meeting
itself nor anyone's opinions about the meeting were posted here.
Whether or not the meeting itself was deemed a success or failure is
not important. The fact is a number of people took part in the initial
discussion that led to the meeting, and they, through this forum, have not
heard what happened. Given the interesting posts on "rumors", not that I
agree or disagree, I feel that this forum should have been used to at least
report different opinions on the outcome of the meeting, especially from
the mediators.
John Danahy

> From: Priscilla Salant <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Pool??
> Date: Sunday, April 12, 1998 7:45 PM
> John --
> Exactly WHAT is revealed by the fact no one has reported on the meeting
> 2020?
> You talked to Laurie about the meeting so you know the outcome. Tell me,
> please, do you think it would be constructive to post something about
> happened? I'm asking in all sincerity.
> Personnally, I was so drained by the whole thing that I didn't trust
> to say anything public. I'm trying to breathe deeply and see what
> up from critics not as close to the process as I, especially since we
> some time til the election and a lot could happen. I also hoped that we
> the mtg planted seeds of doubt that just MIGHT grow more vigorous (tho
> not holding my breath).
> Laurie, by the way, was great. I'm sorry I haven't called her
> and you remind me to do that.
> --Priscilla
> ----------
> > From: John Danahy <>
> > To: Vision2020 <>
> > Subject: Pool??
> > Date: Sunday, April 12, 1998 6:44 PM
> >
> > In recent weeks this forum has hosted much discussion regarding
> > proposed new pool. As a result of this discussion, a meeting was held
> > between some members of the city pool committee and some dissident
> > community members. Surprisingly, no information or outcomes from that
> > meeting have made it to this forum.
> > Anybody else find this somewhat revealing?
> >
> > John Danahy
> >