Re: rumors

Idaho Connolly (
Fri, 10 Apr 1998 20:11:40 -0700

Excuse me, but are you trying to tell me and the others who frequent this
site that cover-ups in our county don't occur? I, too, have lived here in
Latah County most of my life, and if that isn't enough info. to justify MY
right to speak out, I am married to a police officer (county) to boot!
Cover-ups in police departments (ALL departments, everywhere) are fequent
and un-reported, so I was the first to say "It figures" when I read the
"rumor" about the pullman police officers. I do not condone the spreading
of rumors, either, and I am glad they are just rumors, but as we all know,
the public in this county is the last to know anything - be it police
related or not. I would also like to state that I would rather have people
ask about rumors to seek out the truth, instead of just allowing them to
spread, assuming they are ture.

Lisa Connolly