RE: moscow city council agenda for october 20 1997

RE: moscow city council agenda for october 20 1997

John Teeter (
Mon, 20 Oct 1997 08:48:53 -0700


just wanted to thank you for your dillegence in staying current with the
council agenda/notes/minutes postings that you've been making. Its this
"currency of information" which makes this whole experiment productive for



On Monday, October 20, 1997 8:32 AM, Gib Myers []
> October 20, 1997 7:30 p.m.
> City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
> ************************************************************************
> 1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at
> request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
> separately later. Approval by roll call vote.
> A. Approval of Minutes of October 6, 1997 City Council Meeting
> B. Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month September, 1997
> Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month of
> September, 1997 and recommends approval of the following:
> General $398,708.98
> Parks & Recreation 65,959.61
> Arts 2,853.30
> Streets 469,554.21
> 911 14,025.11
> Bond & Interest 430.00
> Water & Sewer 211,271.49
> Sanitation 221,231.55
> Parking 2,229.60
> LID Construction 4,356.29
> LID Bond & Interest 10,437.50
> TOTALS $1,401,057.64
> C. Approval of Judges & Clerks for November 4, 1997 Election - Elaine
> Those individuals on the enclosed list have been contacted and have
> to work at the November 4, 1997 City election.
> ACTION: Approve enclosed list for the November 4, 1997 City election.
> D. Right-of-Way Tree Issues - Randy Rice
> Results of the recently completed right-of-way tree inventory reveal a
> number of trees requiring removal or hazard pruning. Twenty-four trees
> have been targeted for removal and approximately 100 for pruning. The
> Community Forestry Ordinance places the financial responsibility for
> removal and maintenance upon adjacent property owners. The
> Committee reviewed the policy issues associated with this program and
> recommends that the City pay for pruning and removal costs incurred as a
> result of previous sidewalk replacement that damaged trees (five removals
> and 18 prunings at an estimated cost of $5,000). In addition, the
> Administrative Committee recommends the continuation of a low interest
> program for property owners required to remove trees. The unbudgeted
> program costs will be taken from the general buildings budget which will
> result in a line item overrun.
> ACTION: Approve City payment for the removal and pruning costs of
> right-of-way trees damaged as a result of previous City mandated
> right-of-way sidewalk replacement program. Authorize a low interest loan
> program for adjacent property owners required to remove trees located on
> the right-of-way.
> 2. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance - Gary Presol
> The proposed Moscow Erosion Control Ordinance regulates displacement of
> soils within the City and includes standards which trigger more extensive
> erosion control planning, an exemption for temporarily placed soils and
> provides for security to be posted to insure compliance in some cases.
> ACTION: Consider ordinance on first reading; adopt ordinance under
> suspension of the rules requiring three separate readings and provide
> the ordinance be read by title only, or take other action as the Council
> deems appropriate.
> 3. Resolution Adopting Moscow Erosion and Sediment Control Standards,
> August, 1997 - Gary Presol
> The Moscow Erosion and Sediment Control Standards, August 1997, are the
> result of many hours of effort by the committee formed to study erosion
> control within the City. The Standards reflect accepted industry
> and will be used as standards to be applied to the new adopted Erosion
> Control Ordinance contained in Moscow city Code 7-1-2, subsection 3301.1
> seq.
> ACTION: Accept, reject, or modify the Standards.
> 4. Resolution Establishing Grading Permit Fees - Dale Pernula
> Attached is a resolution establishing fees for grading permits under
> Uniform Building Code Appendix Chapter 33. The fees are the standard
> suggested by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO).
> Reviewed by the Administrative Committee 10/13.
> ACTION: Reject or approve attached resolution.
> 5. Consideration of 1912 Moscow High School/Whitworth Building
> - Gary J. Riedner
> On September 22, 1997, the City rejected an offer from Moscow School
> District #281 for the 1912 Moscow High School/Whitworth Building for the
> sum of $191,000.00. The School District has submitted the attached offer
> to sell the building to the City for $150,000.
> ACTION: Consider offer and accept or reject the offer and direct staff
> proceed in accordance with Council's wishes.
> 6. Approval of Written Findings of Fact relative to the Appeal by Kevin
> Adams of a Decision of the Board of Adjustment - Dale Pernula
> Staff was directed by the Council to draft written findings of fact for
> above referenced matter after its consideration on October 6, 1997.
> Attached is a draft findings, conclusions and order which has not been
> reviewed by a Committee.
> ACTION: Approve written findings of fact.
> Mayor
> Administrative Committee
> Public Works/Finance Committee
> Other Boards & Commissions
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Gib Myers
> City of Moscow 208.883.7015 voice
> PO Box 9203 208.883.7018 fax
> Moscow, ID 83843
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

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