Summit on Sustainable Development (fwd)

Summit on Sustainable Development (fwd)

Bill London (
Sat, 11 Oct 1997 08:30:54 -0700 (PDT)

===== A message from the 'smartgrowth' discussion list =====

>For your information:
>President's Council on Sustainable Development
>A N N O U N C E S
>What could it do for you? What can you do for it? Please send your ideas.
>The President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) has begun a
>planning process for a National Summit on Sustainable Development scheduled
>to take place in early 1999. The purpose of the summit is to catalyze a
>national movement toward sustainable development and to use the event as an
>opportunity to better articulate the concepts and opportunities of
>sustainable development to the American public.
>The summit will bring together representatives from government, business,
>community, and non-profit organizations to exchange information and learn
>from each other; and showcase ideas, technologies, and practices that
>reflect an integrated approach toward Americans' economic, environmental,
>and social equity goals. We want to celebrate successes, transfer lessons
>learned, and galvanize further action to implement sustainable development
>throughout the nation. Proposals have been made to hold accompanying
>regional and local events as well.
>In an effort to make the planning process as participatory as possible, the
>PCSD is seeking your ideas and comments. Please send your responses to the
>following questions by, Monday, November 24, 1997:
>What outcomes would you want from a Sustainable Development Summit?
>What could a national Sustainable Development Summit do for you, your
>organization, or your business?
>What components would you like to see as part of the Summit?
>Do you think that local and/or regional events before, during, or after the
>national summit as well as satellite downlinks would be a good idea?
>Other ideas?
>Both anonymous and signed comments are welcome. To receive regular updates
>on the conference planning, please include your full name, title,
>affiliation, address, telephone, fax, and email information.
>Thank you.
>Please send written comments by Monday, November 24, 1997 via email
>(preferably), fax, or mail to:
>Conference Coordinator
>President's Council on Sustainable Development
>730 Jackson Place, NW
>Washington, DC 20503
>email <>, fax: 202 408 6839
>Tracy-Williams Consulting

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