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New Communication tool is now in operation

Good morning
The Council on Reconciliation and Restorative and Transformative Justice  (CORRTJ) is pleased to announce that our network communication software is installed and is operational. The forums can be accessed through these forums are workable through Explorer and Netscape Browsers. You must register and choose a password to participate in these forums which are powered by Yet Another Bulletin Board (YABB).
This forum offers threaded discussions and allows the users the option of having messages delievered directly to your inbox or viewing at your leisure through the boards. Other features include Instant Messaging to those are on the board at the same time as yourself.
Dialogues are beginning today in the following categories:
General topic Restorative Justice
Restorative Justice in the News
Restorative Justice Events
Restorative Justice in the Inland Northwest (Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington)
Healing Centers and other alternatives to prison
Restorative Justice in Schools
Youth Dialogue on Restorative Justice
Peace and Justice Issues related to RJ (War on Terror)
Political and Partisan issues centered around Restorative Justice
Family Reconciliation in cases of sexual abuse and other items such as war, crime, drugs
These forums are very loosely moderated. Depending on the level of interest over a course of time we may add more topics and/or more moderators. If you have difficulty logging on or getting started posting I can try to be available to answer very easy questions. There is a help section included with this forum.
For those of you who are familiar with our listserv we will continue to leave it open at least for now, but our intention is to move most, if not all of our dialogues into these various forums.
Tony C. Brown
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