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RE: there's a new kid in town


The Moscow Civic Association says its mission is "to protect and enhance
inclusive and cooperative community values" as well as "ethnic, racial,
gender, lifestyle, and religious diversity."

Apparently there is internal board dissent already or someone is being
less than honest. The always-honest Joan Opyr, now board member of the
MCA has openly written:

 “I never made any claims to pluralism or multiculturalism”
Joan Opyr, June 21, 2002, Vision 2020


 “. . . [A]s I think I've mentioned before, you're assigning that
‘alleged tolerance’ to me as a straw man.  None of my alleged friends
would say that I was allegedly tolerant.  I have judged you, and found
you wanting. . .”
Joan Opyr, July 29, 2002

The MCA should just be as honest as Joan. Disingenuousness makes the MCA
look shifty and clichéd. This is 2002 not 1936. Join the times, MCA. Be

Doug Jones

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