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Addressing Problems at the Water Forum Last Thursday

Problems I saw at the Water Forum last Thursday:
I apologize that I do not remember any names so I cannot point to actual specific statements....
The people representing the City of Moscow said they did not want to switch to Conservation Rates immediately for the following reasons:
*They are worried about not making enough money to cover costs of maintaining our current system, or saving enough for the expensive system we will need sometime when the lower aquifer runs out.
*It is not currently a crisis situation.  (I remember this statement  being used exactly.)

I see both of these statements as a problem.
First, should we wait until it *is* a crisis situation?  Absolutely NOT!  Reaction to crisis is much less effective than pro-active planning ahead.  The sooner we begin to encourage water conservation, the longer it will be until a crisis situation arises.  If Moscow residents are encouraged to slow down their rate of water usage, the city will have even longer to save the funds needed for a replacement source of water.
I know the conservation rates posted were only arbitrary examples, but I donUt see any way that implementing them would cause the city to lose money.  If a fair system were in place, where people pay for what they have used (not the current system where they pay less for using more water!) the city could only earn more money.  I donUt understand how anyone loses with a conservation rate in place.
The city would win in two ways, they would have more income, as people would actually be paying for what they are using, and because more people will be encouraged to conserve water, they will have longer to save money, and explore all the alternate options for water sources.
Can somebody please explain to me how, even from a *money making* standpoint, immediately implementing a fair water conservation rate to pay for water is NOT beneficial?
Thank you,
Amber Montgomery

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