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Fw: Eisenhower

      Where ya been lately, Dan?  I find your submissions to be the most entertaining of the lot. Thanks!  This one connected with my (unrealistic, fantasy, 'you may say I'm just a dreamer') wish for voter qualification:  proof that a person spends at least 1 hour a day either reading newspapers, watching the news, or otherwise educating themselves in an unbiased manner.  I totally disagree with the idea that everyone should vote, which results in an advantage to the rich, handsome, or otherwise photogenic candidate.  Sour grapes you bet!  I'm still upset Bob Huntley didn't get the chance to be our next Cece!                                  BC 

I guess you only have 2 more years to be worried then. 
Evidently, the majority just ain't as edumacated as all those who are concerned seem to be.
Dan Carscallen


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