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Re: Moscow Civic Association

Ben, Doug et. al.

First off, Doug, you state that "progressives" need to be
nudged to honesty from time to time.  The lies, deceptions and obscurantism 
promoted by Christianity are a textbook lesson in dishonesty honed to a fine 
craft.  It has taken much more than a few "nudges" for the brave challengers 
of the irrationality of Christianity to fight off the dogmatic ignorance 
promoted by your religion, though of course I won't hold you responsible for 
all of the offenses of Christianity throughout history.  I will point out 
the Truth of the history of your religion though.

Ben, are you open to, for example, Agnostic Earth Worshipers showing up at 
your religious services (I am assuming you are a Christian who goes to a 
specific Christian church to worship, excuse me if I am wrong) to announce 
their agenda and goals and argue with you about the sense or nonsense of 
your religion?  I hardly think so.  Then why the, what seems like, sarcasm 
about the meetings of the Moscow Civic Association being exclusionary 
towards people whose intent is to disrupt the proceedings and intentions of 
this group?  I mean, think about it, would the Moscow Civic Association 
welcome people pushing racist White Power ideologies or those seeking to 
make the Christian religion illegal (I include this example as an offer of 
peace)?  Of course not, anymore than you would welcome these people into the 
inner circle of your faith, though some of the writings of certain esteemed 
religious leaders in Moscow muddy the waters regarding the White Power 

Why do you appear to object to a group organizing in a legal and nonviolent 
manner to promote it's agenda without inviting EVERYONE to participate, by 
excluding those wishing to undermine their efforts?


>From: "ben merkle" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Moscow Civic Association
>Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 13:01:26 -0800
>I didn't think my question was growing more intelligent. When I asked it
>last time you responded with-
>"The Moscow Civic Association has yet to fully take shape.  The Daily News
>article was misleading in the sense that it implied the group was formed.
>In fact, it is forming. A steering committee was selected from an initial
>meeting which 33 people attended (about a month ago).  The steering
>committee (9 people) have been
>meeting to answer specific questions about the organization (will it be an
>educational non-profit? who will be the spokespersons? what is the 
>based upon the input we all gave at the initial meeting. Public meetings 
>planned for the future. I'm sure that your questions will be answered.
>BL" (Oct 8)
>There's a hint that more information would be coming (as your first email
>didn't really answer the question) and I was curious if it had come already
>and I had missed it. But this morning's response clears that up, public
>meetings in Dec. for the progressives and you'd would rather not have 
>who are not as progessed as you show up.
>Ben Merkle

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