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re: showers in Moscow

Dear JD,

I believe it is everybody's civic duty to pay attention and to speak up about the things that go on in the community ESPECIALLY with our tax dollars. I believe it is our civic duty, EVERYBODY'S DUTY, to donate some time and dollars for charitable functions within its community that has a need. My record stands alone.

In the business world if you have an employee who is receiving a wage, doing his job, supplying a service and he arbitrarily reaches into the company account and diverts funds into another cause that he was never authorized to do, this is called embezzlement. It comes with heavy fines and jail time. It is also grand theft, which has a penalty of jail and stiff fines.

JD, the school board gave the public the sales pitch and the public being a herd of sheep got lolled asleep. Their pockets, picked. When the board tells Ya we are going to do certain things with your money and expressly say "we are NOT going to do certain things with your money," and then they haul off a do what they said they weren't going to do with your money…isn't this a lie? A major falsehood? In my mind, they should be accountable for that also. Isn't this perjury of sorts? That is also jail time. In the real world. Since you are on the Moscow School District planning committee and a part of local community groups why don't you get back to me with the penalties and what kind of action can be brought against them. If any.

It is time they live within their budget. PERIOD! We cannot give them any more of our money. They have shown they are untrustworthy and they will tell you whatever story it takes to get you to fund them.


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