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Presumption of Guilt?!?! (was RE: restorative justice)

Warren Hayman wrote:
"Before justice can be restored, can't we let it exist in the first
The postings seem to imply foregone guilt, a concept anathematic to our
system of domestic justice. Isn't this indicative of the same zealotry
we decry 
on a global scale? Aren't we presumed innocent at first, at least in
most cases?"

THANK YOU for having the courage to bring this up!

I have been offended & disappointed by those in our US community, and in
our Moscow forum, willing to assume guilt for either of those suspected
of being The Sniper(s), even more so by those willing to lock 'em up &
throw away the key less than 24 hours after arrest.  Hmmm . . . guess
their crystal balls must be working far better than mine.

What a novel idea:  legally innocent until proven guilty in a court of
law, NOT in a court of public opinion.  Oh, wait . . . that *is* one of
the corner stones of our judicial systems, isn't it?

Saundra Lund
Moscow, Idaho

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to
do nothing.
Edmund Burke

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