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RE: apocalypse indeed

Sharon -
Excellently written.  I agree with you 100%.
Although President Bush's actions are approved by the House of Representative, that does not (in no way) reflect the opinions of their constituency.
Thanks for saying what had to be said,
Tom Hansen
-----Original Message-----
From: Sharon Sullivan []
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:12 PM
Subject: apocalypse indeed

I heard the news today that 130 of the192 countries making up the United Nations have requested an open meeting with the UN security council.  The U.S. war is opposed by France and Russia, among the rest. 

The impact of Congress' decision will be felt for a long time, as it has established a precedent for any future President to hearken back to.  As the Taft-Hartley Act serves Mr. Bush today to squelch the dock workers in the interest of the economy, so, too, yesterday's Joint Resolution will serve future President's when they are tempted with power to use force.  It makes it so easy, from now on, anytime another nation peeves us a little, let the bombs fly!  Who needs dialogue?  Diplomacy?  Bah.  A most inconvenient, complex, messy task.  Coming to UNDERSTANDING each other, even in times of difference? 

Certainly India, China, Korea, Burma etc. will be watching closely to learn just how its done, as the U.S. defines the word "pre-emptive".

I am dismayed that Congress could be so short-sighted and succumb to the selfish goals of the next election.  To know that our government was designed with at least a modicum of protection via the 535 elected representatives for a reason.   So, back to Kings and monarchy we go, and long live the Imperial power?

Please, dear Visionaries, whatever your beliefs, your politics, your persuasions, you still have the right to FREE SPEECH, keep using it.  No matter what label ia applied, not everyone fits neatly into a box, nor chooses to limit themselves to only one way of thinking at all times, nor is a radical leftist, beer drinker, bible thumper, tree hugger, arms bearer, breast barer, Aryan, anarchist, arch conservative, redneck or slut.  We need every one of us.  As long as all the voices have an equal opportunity to be heard.  even the fragments and run-ons    and the grammar police    (there is always the delete key)

Words of Vietnamese Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh, words that sound at first naive:
"No men are our enemies.  By this we do not mean that we think no men will try to destroy us; or that we overlook that fact that men from certain sections of the society are above all likely to try it.  We mean, first, of course, that we are committed to try not to destroy them; we mean furthermore that there is a working chance--if we do refuse to threaten them with violence personally as we struggle with them--that in certain instances at least some of them may be willing to accommodate themselves to the pressure we put on them to change, and so both they and we may be liberated from the state of enmity.  We mean that we refuse to cut ourselves off from them in any ultimate human sense--counting it as both decent and practical to do so.  The point is not vengeance but change."

Sorry I went on too long.  My long-winded way to say I appreciate this forum, especially in these times of darkness and disappointment.

Sharon Sullivan

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