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Re: Freedom pf Speech, Politics and Democracy

I'm pretty sure my delete key won't get worn out.  Let the free speech fly! 
Besides, it's kinda interesting to see how many different ways the "No I'm not!"  vs. "Yes you are!" arguments can be used!
Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt,
Dan Carscallen
-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Moffett <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Thursday, October 03, 2002 12:25 PM
Subject: Freedom pf Speech, Politics and Democracy


Just because many people are deleting numerous vision2020 posts does not
mean the effort to discuss some the important issues being debated is not
worth it.  This is somewhat like saying that because less than 50 % of
possible legal voters in the USA actually bother to vote, which is a
fact!!!!!!, we should just cancel the elections due to lack of interest. 
After all, who wants to listen to all the campaign BS anyways, all those
rude political ads that tell lies.  As in politics, so on vision2020, except
can you get your rebuttal to a politician's lies printed in a public forum
instantly like you can on vision2020?  Is this why many local candidates for
political office avoid vision2020?  The flow of political speak must be
managed!  Vision2020 is too free and open and therefore dangerous to a
candidates campaign.

I don't like many of the vision2020 posts, but I accept this is what will
happen when a truly open forum accepts public input.  We should be grateful
we can express ourselves freely this way.  I may receive the ire of some for
this comment, but I think some of the discontent with the content and/or
quantity of posts on vision2020 is an expression of a lack of commitment to
the rude, rough and tumble world of expression of opinion on social and
political issues in a democracy.  I dislike it as much as anyone, but after
all, deleting offensive posts is a small price to pay to have freedom and
openness.  Am I way off base here?


>From: Bob Hoffmann <>
>Subject: Taking it off list/separate list
>Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2002 19:55:26 -0700
>I'm one of the people who has been deleting a huge number of v2020 postings
>in the past couple months.
>I think a lot of people don't take their "personal arguments" off-list
>because they want to be able to expose the idiocy, hypocrisy, lunacy,
>stupidity, illogic, etc., of their "opponents" before a large audience.
>In my mind, this is a fallacy.  So many people seem to be deleting postings
>by the basket, the effect is that these arguments are indeed private--few,
>if any, people are reading the postings except for those actually involved.

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