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How To Cut The Latah County Budget By 50%

                How To Cut The Latah County Budget By 50%
                       And Make Moscow Run Better
1) Fire all redundant staff.
2) Contact the following small cities for advice: 
Gainesville, FL/ Macon, GA/ New Haven, CT/ Logan, UT/ Provo, UT/ Huntsville,
AL/ Hawthorne, CA
3) Promote the Latah County Fair throughout Idaho, take a commission from
increased revenue.
4) Start a community, monthly dinner, Christian-based.
5) Host a small-city convention in Moscow - all proceeds go to the county.
6) Run a bus from the Palouse Mall to Eastside Marketplace - $1 per ride all
profits to the county - no passes, no discounts.
7) Start 5 small businesses that are county-affiliated
->all profits go to the county
8) Pass city laws for energy conservation, but keep energy prices the same -
the difference going to the county
9) install water-conserving devices all over Latah County - charge the same for
water, difference goes to the county
10) stop all recycling programs, fire the staff
11) Hire 3 students at U of I from every county in Idaho, to promote Latah
12) Take out a loan of $300,000, and invest it in the community.

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