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FW: Is This What You Mean By Tolerance?

Lucy asks:
Help me to understand what point you were making? Were you 
applauding discrimination because you could somehow justify it?
I'm not saying I condone any of Bertollini's past actions as listed
below, but I am wondering how *exclusive* behavior is somehow
*now* acceptable in your eyes.

Melynda previously posted this in response to Mr. Wilson:
But more broadly, is it really in service to an ideal of freedom that we

define the right of free association as the limitless power to leave
out?  Would Moscow be a better place to live if there were no laws or 
statutes providing equal access for all citizens?

Lucy asks:
How does the discrimination practiced against Bertollini fit in with
ideal of freedom? I'd need a little more information before I'd ask him
leave. Was he shouting racist remarks? Was he wearing something 
that offended the other guests? Or did he simply *view* people from   
a different belief system. Is that enough reason to discriminate? Is
it enough reason to justify hurtful behavior? If it is, then it
helps me to frame some of the previous posts coming from your neck
of the woods. Looks to me like you might need to add a few more 
lines of text to those Safe Zone cards.

Lucy Zoe

-----Original Message-----
From: Melynda Huskey [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: Is This What You Mean By Tolerance?

Ah, "one Vincent Bertollini":

Learn more about Mr. Bertollini, currently a federal fugitive on drunk 
driving charges, at the ADL website:

and here, at the Gospelnet Apologetics Index

Some highlights?

"In the fall of 1995, following six months of travel, the duo
and Story] settled in Sandpoint, Idaho. "We crossed the bridge into 
Sandpoint and said, 'Voila, this is it!'" Bertollini told a reporter
the Spokane Spokesman-Review.

"Why did Story and Bertollini choose Sandpoint? "North Idaho was
for its clean air, beautiful scenery, quiet life style, recreation, lack
crowds, low cost of living, low violent crime," they write, "but above
more than 98 percent of North Idaho's population is of the Adamic White 
Aryan people."

* * *

"According to the 11th Hour Remnant Messenger [Bertollini's website], 
"blacks, orientals, and other races," unlike "Aryans," do not have
These "Pre-Adamic" people intermarried with the Jews, producing "a
hybrid, a non-race." Meanwhile, most of the "Aryan" people, who Story
Bertollini believe are "God's Chosen People" as described in the Bible, 
migrated from the Middle East to "Central and Western Europe" and
finally to 

"Story and Bertollini believe that America has become a "dictatorship," 
enslaved to "Jewish Communism." They predict that there will be a third 
World War, followed by the migration of the "White race" from America to

Israel. Eventually, "The War of All Wars!" between the "White" race and
Jewish, Satanic "non-race" will lead to "Armageddon," or World War IV, 
resulting in the victory of the "White" race and the unending reign of
Christ over his "White" people."

Now what was your question again, Greg?

Melynda Huskey

"The things that make us happy make us wise."  John Crowley

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