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rumor control

Dear visionaries,

A brief interaction with Mr. Hansen.

"And here we have Mr. Wilson forcing his moral standards on all those 
around him feeling personally threatened as a gay couple enter his 
establishment holding hands."

I am forcing my moral standards on someone who comes on to my property in 
order to challenge my standards? Or do you not believe that a private 
business is privately owned?

"You're right, Mr. Wilson. We can clean up the entire court system by 
saying that a business that sells a good or service publicly can deny an 
individual on any grounds he wants. I say "he" because in the world you 
define, women probably don't own businesses."

In the world I define women would own businesses. And they would have the 
right to kick people out of them. I would get out of the psychic business, 
Tom. Strike three.

"Time to dust off those old 1950's southern signs of "Whites Only" and 
"Colored Only". While we are at it, let's get the hammer and plywood out 
and make a new sign: "Homosexuals Only"."

Given the prevailing relativism, why not?


Douglas Wilson

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