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RE: Alright Moscow...Your Dark Little Secret Is Back

I'm very perplexed at Vince's and Tom's posts.

Why would any from the far-left assume that conservatives would somehow
approve of, even tacitly, the murder of *anyone*?  We are "pro-life",
you know.

If Wil Hendrick's murderer is found, then he should be prosecuted to the
full extent of the law.

What *is* perplexing to me is that those on the far-left somehow think
that someone's motivation for murder makes the murder even worse. So
what they have are "bad murderers" and "really bad murderers" -- as seen
by the degrees of punishment that they would require. 

Rather, all murder is a sin and a crime and should be dealt with as

Perplexed in Moscow,
Dale Courtney
Free to be me, free to be you (as long as you agree with Tom Hansen...)

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