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RE: Sept. 11th media overkill


I don't have a tv to turn on.  But the programming/marketing
in the days leading up to the September 11 anniversary is
inescapable, even without one.  I hear they've come out with
a new book "Chicken Soup for the Soul of America."  If the
coverage is chicken soup, it's canned soup with very little
chicken -- factory farmed -- made on an assembly line manned
by undocumented workers with no health coverage and no job
security.  It fails to provide nourishment even to those who
profit from it.

Given the pervasiveness of marketing's influence on our culture
what else could we expect?


-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Westberg []
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 7:15 AM
Subject: Sept. 11th media overkill

Anyone else hesitant to turn on the television for the next couple of days?
I didn't even watch Monday Night Football last night, which is somewhat
heretical for me.  I don't need to see some Madison Avenue driven patriotic
message telling me how horrible it all was, what great heroes have emerged
from the aftermath, and, oh incidentally, real heroes drink Coke.  And how
many times will they subject the viewer to the planes smashing into the
towers?  Maybe it'll be safe by Thursday.

                           Carl Westberg Jr.

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