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common sense and passing judgment

Dear visionaries,

Morning, everybody. How do?

Just a quick comment on John Davis' comment that a "local private college system" has been in essence removed from the tax rolls. It is not true. If he is referring to the college I think he is, part of the reason we organized as a trust instead of a tax-exempt corporation has been demonstrated on this list time and again. When the government allows an entity to keep its own money, this is not a gift from the government -- unless there is an a priori assumption that the government owns everything, and we are all just renters. Is that your assumption? But people who pay taxes are in a different category than those who are not currently being taxed (for whatever reason). If I am being taxed at a rate of thirty percent, is the government giving a gift to me of the remaining seventy percent? This simple distinction is beyond most progressives (who like coercion and who therefore tend to public service), and because we wanted to remain as free of government interference and entanglements as we could, we took the route we did.

Roger Hayes echoed John Davis' encomium on democracy and America, saying that "education" that was "free, open, public" and which provides "equal opportunity instruction." is "not something we should criticize." Shut up with the criticism, for this is an open and free democracy! Where everyone has the right to express their opinion! And criticize whatever they wan.. . wait a minute.

On our sidebar topless debate, Carl Westburg admonishes me for saying that behind every topless woman this last summer stood an abdicating, unloving father. He then reminds me that Jesus said, "Judge not, lest ye be judged." The quotation is from Matthew 7, and Jesus goes on to say that the reason for this is that you will be judged by the same standard you apply to others. He is teaching against hypocrisy and double standards. Do not judge others for stealing when you are a thief, for example, for the judgment with which you judge others you shall be judged. That He is not prohibiting discernment is plain from His teaching a few verses down when He warns against false prophets, which come in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves. By their fruits you will know them, He says (v. 16). When a topless young women is insecure enough to behave in this way, I do not place the primary responsibility on the city council -- why did we not have a law? The primary responsibility is with the parents, who obviously (by their fruits you will know them) did not love and care for their daughter enough to bring her up to respect herself and others.

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