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Re: Idaho Virtual Academy

If I understand correctly, the Idaho Virtual Academy is a K-12 curriculum
that is made available online for any student to use.  It is currently only
K-5, I believe, whit plans to add a year or two each year.  When fully
operational, students, for example, could use this academy to take 11th
grade English at their own speed, and bypass HS English. Or students could
use this academy to tale enough courses to get a HS diploma without entering
local HS.  Or students could complete K-12 coursework in 8 years or 15 years
depending on interest and determination.  It is the State of Idaho K-12
curriculum and thus some private/home educators are advising against usage
by their specific clientele.  It is another alternative to standard public
schools, but I do not believe it is a charter school.  Funding may still be
an issue, and access to the internet is a must. (which is why access plus
technology is provided free)

John Danahy

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