Re: Don't make us call you chicken: take the public debate challenge!
First, in response to Mark and Garrett, an exhortation. I was not insulted
by Garrett's invocation of the Taliban, and he does not need to apologize
for it. We were not hurling gratuitous slanders at each other, like children
on a playground. We were debating, and the proper use of an epithet here and
there can make the point very well. This modern trend toward rhetorical
panty-waistedness is not a good thing.
Second, thanks for the offier, but I will not be signing the petition. I am
not obligated to pick a side just becuase a few hooligans decided to start a
bar fight. I am all for political action, but not the individualistic and
disconnected sort that you are engaged in. Politics and law are not my
saviors, and this is a problem which at bottom is not political or legal. I
much prefer the cultural regeneration I am already involved in, the kind
that begins Sunday morning and continues 24/7 throughout the week. That will
produce a much richer harvest. You may not want to discuss the "religious
side" of the issue, but that does not make the issue any less religious. It
always comes down to who or what you worship.
Gregory C. Dickison
Lawyer & Counselor at Law
Post Office Box 8846
312 South Main Street
Moscow, Idaho 83843
(208) 882-4009
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